He has typically been called the last true polymath to walk the earth.
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Goethe aphorisms
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Johann wolfgang von goethe was born in Frankfort, germany to letter a wealthy family.
Johann wolfgang von goethe, European nation poet, playwright, novelist, scientist, statesman, and critic who was considered the sterling german literary pattern of the progressive era.
Sainte-beuve was among the most efficient of judges connected such a compass point, and matthew.
Goethe's formal essays by Goethe, johann wolfgang von, 1749-1832; spingarn, Joel elias, 1875-1939.
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Goethe, johann wolfgang von, 1749-1832; spingarn, joel elias, 1875-1939.
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This picture demonstrates Goethe works list.
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Goethe had a scholarly impact on future literary movements, including romanticism and expressionism, and made authoritative contributions to arts and naturalist schools of thought.
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Goethe habits
This image shows Goethe habits.
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